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TIO: Running an optical store is a fulltime job, how do you balance work and life responsibilities?

Sangeetha K (SK): Yes, running an optical store is a fulltime job. I had a sketch of my routine even before getting into the industry. I usually do things in an organised way and that has helped me to deal with priorities, time management, splitting tasks to others and making choices. I make sure I give my best and time not only to the store, but home, family and friends also. Most importantly, I take time for myself too. It charges me to keep going.

TIO: What are the challenges faced by women in the optical industry and how can one overcome them?

SK: The prejudiced opinion that optical business is alien to women makes us lack confidence at times. It’s tricky to convince customers with their trust in our store. The field demands being constantly updated with the fast development in technology. Most of our energy is dissipated in balancing work and home, so we lose the opportunity to learn new things and plan expansion. A high expertise and practical knowledge for huge inventory is mandatory. Competing with chain of stores is another challenge. We need role models and mentors to guide and inspire us.

TIO: How will you help in accelerating concern for eyecare in the society?

SK: Business to make profit is not our only motive. We feel responsible to educate our customers with Eye care. We train our optometrists too to do the same. We ensure customers know what they wear, accurate use of eyeglasses and contact lens, normal eye function, eye related conditions, eye exercise, healthy diet and importance of sleep. With communities like Lions and Rotary Clubs, BNI etc and through social media, we spread awareness about routine eye care, regular eye examination and eye care tips.

TIO: What advice would you like to share with young women entering a male dominated industry?

SK: In this male dominant optical industry, never give up hope. Don’t hesitate and be confident. Identify your strengths and boost your weaknesses. Learn from your mistakes and follow the path of successful women. Competitive field can be definitely won by hard work and dedication. My ambition is an all-woman store from door man to Chairman.

TIO: Who inspires you and why?

SK: My dad is a retired Scientist Engineer at Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre and had the luck to work under Late Mr Abdul Kalam for about 2 years. My father-in-law is a highly successful businessman for the past 50 years. Both of them came from a financially challenging background, hence, what they both have achieved is highly commendable. Both are living examples of hard work, disciplinary life, positive attitude and turning obstacles to opportunities. They don’t just inspire me, they have taught me to aim at the impossible and achieve it.

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